Sara Blakely is the creator of Spanx.
Yeah, she’s the one who created herself into the world’s youngest female
Well, I recently listened to an
interview of Miss Blakely, and WOW! It was chock-full of positive news that you
might want to use.
When asked about the secret to her
amazing success, Sara said that when she was 16 years old, her dad gave her a
set of Wayne Dyer tapes (audio, not duct — for those of you younger than dirt)
called How to Be a No-Limit
Sara reports that she listened to those
recordings until she had ALL TEN TAPES memorized. She said that she ALWAYS
had the tapes going as she drove. In fact, her friends refused to ride with her
because they couldn't
bear to hear Wayne’s No-Limit yammering over and over and over again.
Hmmm… I wonder if they’d ride with her
Anyway, Sara said that all of those
positive recordings retrained her brain.
Through them she learned how to deal
with any and all of life’s obstacles by asking two questions —
Where is the blessing in this?
Where is the opportunity?
Fast-forward about 10 years, and Miss
Blakely found herself cutting the feet off of a pair of pantyhose so that she
could make her butt look smaller under her jeans…
At that moment, did Miss Blakely ask —
Will a new ThighMaster help me get rid
of this butt?
Will the papaya diet help me get rid of
this butt?
Should I break down and just buy bigger
jeans made to fit this bigger butt?
No, no, and NO!
She asked —
Where is the blessing?
To which she probably answered —
There is absolutely, positively NOTHING
blessed about a big butt.
But then she asked —
Where is the opportunity?
To which she answered —
I bet other women have the very same
big butt bind.
You got that right, Sister!
The rest is billionaire history.
Now, if you've been around the sun a
few times, you know that every single day of the year comes complete with at
least one obstacle. What wonderful things might happen in your life, if you
embraced those Sara Blakely questions?
I mean, come on! If those questions can
defeat a big butt —
They can do ANYTHING!
PROMPT: Test out those questions with some of the obstacles that get
tossed your way today. And while you’re at it, start feeding your brain some
positive messages the way Sara did back when she was a wicked-smart teen. Some
folks go for the almighty affirmation, some use visualization, and some look to
books or recordings for inspiration. Whatever gives you a positive hit – try to
fit it into each and every day. And if your first thoughts of “positive”
involve the words “evening news” or “reality” TV — WE NEED TO TALK.
Love it!