Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Some Pig

As you may recall from yesterday’s post, this week I’m livin’ large at the Northwest Washington Fair.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t even think about a fair without getting all misty-eyed about Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White.
I loved that book when I was a kid.
And I still love that book as an immature adult. So after my shift as Corndog Queen, I set out in search of a humble pig (bonus points for wordy spider sidekick).
Well, I was making my way through the swine barn when…
Holy Hambone, Batman!

I ran smack into Uncle instead!
Or at least I thought I did.
Further inspection told a different story.
It turns out that “Uncle” is really an “Auntie.” 
And she’s rather large because she’s due to pop a posse of porkers any day.
By week’s end, I just might get to see a runty little Wilber, after all!

I will try to refrain from shouting, “Where’s Papa going with that ax?”

Writers –
You can’t take us anywhere.

PROMPT: If you don’t know Uncle, you’d better reread your E.B. White classic. Then pick a character and write his or her backstory. Templeton the rat, the stuttering goose, or the grumpy old sheep – I’m pretty sure they’ve all got tales to go with their tails.


  1. Hope you're not sweltering at the fair today. At least the wind is blowing, eh?
