Friday, April 6, 2012

The Perfect Day

This week has been spring break for most folks here in the Great Northwest. And while I have been enjoying the cold and the rain and the rain and the rain, I have far too many friends exploring all 97 corners of the globe.
I gaze longingly at their posted photos on Facebook – Look, Anna saw a sea turtle! Gebran saw the Eiffel Tower! OMG, Cindy saw the SUN!
On top of all that, I am still stinging from parting with a whole dollar last week and NOT winning the Mega Millions jackpot. To think, I could have had a Snickers instead.
Live and learn, Cupcake. Live and learn.
But, before I get carried away by the grey and start speaking whine-ese, I catch myself and say…
Today is a perfect day to whip up a perfect day!
The perfect day strategy involves a piece of paper, a pen, and a pinch of time. All you do is write out how you would spend your best day ever from start to finish – in as much detail as you can muster. What time do you get up? What do you eat? Where in the world are you? Who is with you? Let your imagination run wild – it is YOUR perfect day, after all! You’ll be surprised by how enjoyable this is once you get rolling -- but you have to write it down, you can’t just think it.
Once you’ve hammered it all out on the page, then you get to use your muscular mind’s elbow. Read over your day and figure out some ways that you can make even a smidge of it happen. Focus on what you CAN do. Check the food part first. Unless you want to eat sharks on the beach, you can probably make this occur. If you wrote strawberries and cream for breakfast in bed, then head to the market and get them for tomorrow. DO IT!
Other perfect day highlights may not be quite this easy, but you’ll be amazed by how resourceful you can be when you tap into that ingenious brain of yours. For example, one of my perfect days (and I’ve written about many) involves biking in France. Let me tell you, France is not on the horizon for me any time soon. However, I can still get a slice of my dream. Here’s how – this summer for our one weekend of Northwest sun, my family plans to bike from our home to a B&B. It may not be France, but the countryside is guaranteed to be gorgeous and the accommodations will be fabulous. Trust me, I will not spend that weekend lamenting the fact that it isn’t France… and most likely I will have gotten over the loss of my Mega Millions buck by then.
La Vie est belle!

PROMPT: Put your perfect day on the page! Then find a way to make a piece of it happen. Even if your perfect day involves teaching 42 cats to can-can, use that creative muscle and do what you can-can do. Life is good!
It really is.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful thought. Reminds me of Julie Cameron's THE ARTIST'S WAY suggestion about taking our dreams and incorporating them into our everyday life. Love the bike to the B&B idea. ^_^
