Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Random Acts of Poetry

Dinosaurs, road kill, grumpy basilisk,
Wontons, cherry pie, itchy kitchen whisk,
Orange pants, hula hoops, purple-backed sphinx,
Hopscotch, Frankenstein, bumpy roller rinks.

Cranky Sue, pitch forks, fabulously green,
Fruit cake, super glue, captivated spleen,
Dragon eye, night crawler, sticky candle wax,
Bubble gum, firefly, broken income tax.

Ain’t it funny, ain’t it cute, ridiculously true –
The whole world finds a way to live inside of you!

Yep, it’s still April – that lovely month of foolish poetry madness! I hope that you are getting your poetry game on each and every day – remember, your life may depend on it (April Fools).
But alas, I hear that some folks out there may be trapped within the box within the cage within the compound of highfalutin poetry. Is this you? Well, Honey, I am here to set you free. Any poetry will do – whether it’s a rhymer, no rhymer, sometimes rhymer, or two-timer. Just throw words together and aim for the heart.
Remember –
There is no such thing as bad poetry…
Just bad people
who think
poems stink.

PROMPT: Boy howdy, it is random poetry day! So, dig around in your cupboards, peek under beds, and clean out the kitchen sink (that’s where I found my basilisk) – no doubt, you’ll find words in these places that have all the makings of a good poem. Sure, you can look to the speckled heavens, chuckling brooks, and barefoot meadows, too. It’s up to you. Simply smack those phrases on your pages – just for the JOY of it!

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