Monday, March 10, 2014


Need a Monday Motivator?

Well, according to my calendar, today is officially the International Day of Awesomeness!

It’s the perfect time to reflect on all of the awesomeness in your life —

Your awesome friends

Your awesome family

Your awesome job

Your awesome gifts and talents.

This totally awesome day grew out of running joke at Kevin Lawver’s workplace. It became officially recognized in 2007, and March 10th was chosen as the day to celebrate. 


It just so happens to be the birthday of the King of Awesome…

Chuck Norris

Ho Yeah!

And hey, if you could use a Chuckle, check out the official Chuck Norris web site here and enjoy a few of his “facts.”

PROMPT: First, start the day off right by writing a list of all the awesomeness in your life. Doesn't that feel… well… awesome?! Next, get down to business by developing a character who’s afflicted with a very peculiar type of awesomeness. Then roundhouse kick some serious tale and…

Write on!

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