Friday, October 26, 2012

What’s Not to Love?

Did you know that this month marks the 60th anniversary of the greatest piece of PR ever produced?

Yes, I am talking about Charlotte’s Web – first published on October 15, 1952.

Seriously folks, before that momentous date did anyone in the entire span of human history EVER weep for a spider?

I think not.

Like many who were won over by this bit of brilliance, I’ve been an arachno-fan ever since my first reading of the E. B. White classic.

But through that wonderful and well-spun yarn, I also realized something bigger…

Yes, even bigger than deep, abiding spider-love.

And it hit me like a ton of tarantulas the moment I saw those final lines (spoiler alert!)…

“It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.”
I wanted to be both, too.

Still do.

PROMPT: Who could use an image makeover? Tasmanian Devils? Hagfish? Naked mole rats? Flatworms? Pick one and show a little love by making him or her lovable. And while we’re all feeling the love, let’s pause for a few words from the master…

 “All that I ever hope to say in books is that I love the world.”
~ E. B. White